紐西蘭簽證 New Zealand Visa
紐西蘭電子旅行授權證 (NZeTA)
由 2019 年 10 月 1 日起,凡持免簽證護照之旅客(如香港特區護照、BNO、澳門特區護照),無論搭飛機或乘坐郵輪進入紐西蘭境內(包含轉機),必須在前往紐西蘭之前申請及持有有效“Electronic Travel Authorization”(NZeTA),方可辦理登機或航行手續。
在申辦時,當局需隨NZeTA一併徵收「國際旅客保育及旅遊稅」(IVL),NZeTA和IVL適用於多次到訪問和最多2年有效期。每次進入時間不得超過 90 天
From 1 October 2019, certain visitors and transit passengers travelling on a passport from a visa waiver country or territory (e.g. HKSAR, BNO, Macau SAR) to New Zealand must have an NZeTA (New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority) and pay an International Visitor Conservation and Tourism Levy before travelling to New Zealand.
The NZeTA and IVL are valid for multiple visits and up to 2 years, max. stay 90 days.
申辦電子旅行授權證 (NZeTA) 所需文件 Application requirements:
申辦電子旅行授權證 (NZeTA) 所需文件 Application requirements:
1. 6個月以上有效期護照(副本)Passport copy with min. 6 months validity
2. 填寫簽證表格1份 Application Form
3. 申辦需時: 72 小時 Up to 72 hours to approve the NZeTA
4. 代辦eTA費用: HK$400(包括簽證費及服務費) eTA application: HK$400 (including visa fee and service charge)
備註 Remark:
1. 基於紐西蘭簽證乃代辦性質,發證與否由領事館決定,本公司絕不負任何責任。如不發證,所有簽證費用恕不發還。
All visa application is determined by the Consulate. The application fees will not be refund if the application was
2. 所有資料,如有更改,將不作另行通知。
The entire information for Visa application is subject to change without prior notice.